Cover crops mixtures FitSOIL for our first customers

Cover crops mixtures FitSOIL for our first customers July 22, 2019, All

SOILTEQ organized on the fields of Lebedyanskiy LLC on the 11th of June by Soufflet Agro Rus and directed on increase of organic agriculture has brought good results. We presented branded products cover crops FitSOIL mixtures to improve soil fertility.
Today the first batch of cover crops mixtures FitSOIL was shipped from our warehouse to our customer: FitSOIL "PRO" for 260 ha and FitSOIL "Fertile" for 260 ha.
FitSOIL "PRO" represents a balanced mixture of cruciferous and leguminous plants. This mixture, created to maximize the improvement of the soil, will have a rapid positive impact on its structure, and the composition of the mixture is adapted and tested in the Central Black soil region. Numerous mixed types of seeds of cover crops complement each other and allow you to structure the soil on all horizons, thereby improving the ability of the soil to retain moisture. The high potential of production of cover biomass will give a large amount of plant residues, which will protect the soil from excessive temperatures and evaporation of water.
FitSOIL "Fertile" is a large cocktail of different seeds of cover crops, which will protect the soil during the intercultural period. Thanks to the combination of a powerful and developed root system and long-term protection of the soil from leaching and erosion, FitSOIL "PRO" is ideal for the No Till system, allowing you to save thanks to the high proportion of legumes in the cocktail.



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